Channeling Healing through my hair Artistry

As a therapist and healer, I channel my gifts to connect with women on a profound level, understanding the rhythm of their bodies and guiding them through the journey of self-discovery and transformation, using hair as a medium. Through Reiki healing and an understanding of the body's natural rhythms, I empower women to embrace the changes within themselves, including those reflected in their hairstyles.

Just as we are influenced by the cycles of astrology and the changing seasons, our hair can be a reflection of these shifts. I advocate for a natural approach to hair care, minimizing chemical services and instead focusing on harnessing the power of our own energy and body cycles. By aligning hair appointments with the natural flow of growth and change, we not only maintain our physical appearance but also nourish our inner selves.

I have personally integrated my connection to the earth and the cycles of the moon and menstruation into my approach to hairstyling. By understanding the emotional and energetic shifts that accompany these natural phenomena, I can craft hairstyles that resonate with each individual's unique journey.

Thank you for entrusting me with your hair care. Through our collaboration, I have gained invaluable insights that have enriched my practice, allowing me to offer a personalized and holistic approach to hairstyling. Together, we reconnect with the essence of our true selves, embracing the magic of nature's beauty and the ever-evolving cycles of growth and renewal.

thank you for trusting me with your hair


What is Ayurvedic head massage ?